Youth and Adult Altar Servers The ministry of Altar Server is a vital part of the spiritual life of the community. The mission is to serve the community by assisting the priest at the altar during the liturgical celebrations. Membership in this ministry is open to both boys and girls in grades 4 and up. All interested persons take part in a primary training session and supplemental sessions as needed. Gatherings for appreciation and fellowship are provided periodically. Contact: Kerry Ferrara, 753.7950.
Arimathean Funeral Ministry The Arimathean Funeral Ministry of Compassion: These parishioners serve as ministers of hospitality to individual and families who are attending a Funeral Wake and Funeral Mass at St. Jean Vianney. They also are trained to be adult servers for the Funeral Mass. For information contact Fr. Tom, 753.7950. Ministry times vary according to scheduled funeral Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Holy Eucharist during Mass. A further dimension of their role is to bring Holy Communion to our sick and homebound parishioners. Contact: Fr. Eric Gyan 753.7950 regarding qualifications. Lectors Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Mass and at other Parish Liturgical Services. Contact: Jeff or Lynn Pennington, 751.2244.
Music Ministers “Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous deeds!” We are eager to find a place in music ministry for all who desire to “make a joyful noise.” The Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights and sings at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass; no audition or previous experience is required. The Life Teen Band, Refuge, rehearses on some Thursday nights and plays at the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass. Refuge accepts new members by audition only. Instrumentalists of any sort are welcome to play with us, either on a recurring or as needed basis. Contact: Sarah Love 753.7950
Sunday Mass Coordinators Sunday Mass Coordinators oversee the sacristy preparation needed for all the Sunday liturgies, particularly in the readiness of the items used for Mass and the ministers assigned. Contact: Fr Eric Gyan 753.7950.
Ushers Ushers are responsible for all of the details of hospitality and service that enable the Mass to be celebrated in a respectful and orderly manner. Contact: Don Bonin, 753.3519.
Vocation Committee The purpose of the parish Vocation Committee is to inspire and assist the community of St. Jean Vianney in fulfilling its mission of fostering vocations, especially to the ordained ministry and religious life. The committee serves as a resource for parishioners and coordinates programs of prayer and vocation awareness. Contact: Fr. Eric Gyan, 753.7950
World Wide Marriage Encounter This international movement in the Church is designed to support the vocation of marriage. Marriage Encounter weekends seek to strengthen good marriages through communication skill building. Weekends are offered in Baton Rouge six times a year. Contact: Parish Office, 753.7950 or Jason and Stacy Verret, 752.5084.