Catholic Daughters of the Americas This organization is open to all women of the parish, supporting a wide variety of parish interests through many different activities. The Catholic Daughters sponsor the Annual Easter Egg Hunt for children and host important sacramental receptions following First Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. The group is also involved in support of Respect Life issues and various charitable endeavors throughout the community. Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Father Engels Hall. Contact: Lisa Aymond, 275.5609 or [email protected].
Catholic Scouting Currently, we have troops representing the various age groups of both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. These troops meet at various times and places. Contact: Boy Scouts, 926.2697, and Contact: Girl Scouts of America, 927.8946.
Hospitality Committee/Coffee and Donuts Parishioners are invited to gather in Father Engels Hall after the 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses to share coffee and donuts. The parish hosts this informal gathering in an effort to foster a sense of community among its parishioners. Contact: Mike Loreno, 272.3204.
Knights of Columbus and KC Ladies Auxiliary The KC’s are a worldwide Catholic men’s fraternal organization. The group is very active in the parish as well as in community life. They play a significant role in the annual Parish Picnic by cooking dinners and organizing enjoyable games for all family members. The KC’s provide an opportunity for fellowship and prayer for its membership. While the Ladies Auxiliary help and support the Knights they also sponsor and host other charities and activities. They both meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Father Engels Hall. To join the Knights of Columbus Contact: Brett Cormier,225.394.2203 To join the Ladies Auxiliary Contact Cheryl Thoms 225.337.8749
Life Teen/Youth Ministry Life Teen is a Catholic-centered youth ministry program open to high school teens of all faiths. It is a total youth ministry program that is built around the Eucharist-in particular, the Sunday evening 5:30 p.m. Mass. The program continues with our Sunday Life Nights where the teens meet for emotional, social, spiritual and educational formation. Contact: Kerry Ferrara 751.2926.
Parish Prayer Line This ministry is a telephone prayer line composed of dedicated parishioners who pray for the requested intentions of other parishioners and friends. Contact: Theresa Himel, 755.3709 or [email protected].