First Reconciliation Retreat--Sat, Dec. 2 @ 9:00-11:00 (hall)
all parents and students should attend
First Reconciliation--Sat, Jan. 6 @ 9:00 (church) First Communion Retreat--Wed, Feb. 28 @ 6:30
students go to hall
parents go to library to meet with Fr. Eric
First Communion Practice--Sat, Mar. 23 @ 9:00 (church)
parents and students should attend
First Communion--April 13-14 at all masses
Confirmation Dates 2023-24
All Confirmation meetings will be held on Sundays from 4:00-5:15. Confirmation candidates must attend all sessions listed below.
August 27--information meeting in the parish hall 4:15-5:15 (parents and candidates attend) October 15--Confirmation prep 4:00-5:15 (candidates attend) December 10--Presentation of Confirmation candidates at 5:30 mass (sponsors and candidates attend) January 28--Confirmation prep 4:00-5:15 (candidates attend) February 25--Confirmation prep 4:00-5:15 (candidates attend) March 3--Confirmation retreat in the hall from 1:00-5:00 followed by 5:30 mass (all candidates attend) April 21--Confirmation practice in church after 5:30 mass (sponsors and candidates attend) April 23--Confirmation at 7:00 (candidates arrive at the parish hall at 6:30)