On-Going Bible Study Contact Patsy Burgess, O.F.S. for more information 225.907.8248
Catechumenate (R.C.I.A.) Team Member The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process that embodies new insights and approaches for receiving adults into the Catholic Church. The process includes study, prayer, discovery, discussion, and celebration, and is designed for unbaptized adults who wish to inquire about the Catholic faith, baptized Christians from other denominations who would like to learn more about the Catholic Church, and baptized but uncatechized Catholics who wish to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. New team members must be willing to be formed in this ministry. Contact: Kerry Ferrara 751.2926
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Sponsor A sponsor is someone willing to accompany an unbaptized person or baptized person on the journey to full Christian initiation. This involves supporting the person at times in the following ways: assistance in helping the person learn about the Catholic way of life; attendance at periodic ritual moments that mark the progress of the person; willingness of sponsor to pray for his/her person. Contact: Kerry Ferrara 751.2926
Catechumenate (R.C.I.A.) Adapted for Children Team Member The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children is an age appropriate process for children and teens that have not been baptized and are seeking full initiation in the Catholic Church. This also includes those children over the age of seven, baptized in the Catholic faith, who has not received religious instruction and/or the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. Contact: Kerry Ferrara, 751.2926.
Children’s Church To give greater access to God’s Word on Sunday, children in grades K-4 are invited to take part in a children’s Liturgy of the Word held twice monthly during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. The children return to the Mass at the offering of the gifts to sit with their parents. The children are encouraged to participate through role playing, media presentations, and discussions. This program is active from October through May. Contact: Kerry Ferrara, 751.2926.
Elementary Religious Education Catechesis teaches the whole message of Jesus. In grades 1-5, we seek to present the good news in a manner that helps the children to grow as Catholic Christians. Classes are active from September through May, beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Monday evenings. Contact: Kerry Ferrara, 751.2926.
Junior High Religious Education The Junior High program builds on the basic teachings of the Church presented in the previous grades. It is directed toward a rediscovery of religious truths in relation to one’s life. The presentations are held on Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., from September through May. Contact: Kerry Ferrara, 751.2926.
High School Religious Education Religious education is a lifelong process. Catechetical instruction during the high school years enables the faith of youth to become living, conscious, and active. The high school program pursues a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and the choices involved in being a Christian today. Designed for grades 9-12, presentations are held twice monthly and include the three year preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program is active from September through May. Contact: Kerry Ferrara , 751..2926.
St. Jean Vianney Catholic Preschool and Elementary School The responsibility of educating and forming children into mature Christian witnesses belongs primarily to parents. One way the church assists families in fulfilling this divine calling is through its system of Catholic schools. St. Jean Vianney School, strives to provide academic excellence in a caring Catholic community of faith. Serving students in grades kindergarten through eighth, this ministry enhances the God given capabilities and talents of each student according to Catholic principles and sound educational theory. Contact: Wendy Ross, 751.1831.
Home & School Association This group brings the stakeholders of our parochial school together to support the educational goals of the ministry through volunteer organization and fundraising efforts. Contact: Office 751.1831.
Extended Care Program Extended day care is provided before school from 6:30 a.m. until morning carpool begins and after school until 6:00 p.m. for SJV students and three and four year old SJV Preschoolers. Some holiday camps are available. Please contact the school secretary, Debra Sala, Extended Care Supervisor, 753.7644 for more information.
St. Jean Vianney Preschool Founded in 1978, the mission of our Preschool is to provide a Christian atmosphere that will aid in the cognitive, physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual development of preschool children. The program is available five days per week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., and serves children ages 2 through 5. The program also offers parents an Extended Day option, 7:25 to 9:00 in the morning and 2:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. The program follows a developmental approach. Our teachers encourage the children to view learning as exciting, rewarding, and most importantly, fun. Contact: Office, 752..5356.