Fratelli Tutti is a powerful expression of faith in a time of doubt, a call to hope in a time of fear, and a challenge to love in at time of anger and division. Pope Francis’ letter is a combination of Franciscan themes and Jesuit discernment, shaped by Argentinian pastoral experience and traditional Catholic social teaching.
The encyclical affirms and applies the principles of Catholic social teaching to the “new things” of 2020: a global pandemic, an economic crisis, political polarization, and social isolation and exclusion. Pope Francis insists that those who are poor or vulnerable, those who live with disabilities or discrimination, and immigrants and refugees, are not issues or problems, but sisters and brothers, part of one human family.
Fratelli Tutti is a universal message, but it has particular implications for the United States . Pope Francis calls us to practice “political charity” at a time of anger, division, and loss, and to pursue the common good and measure our choices by how they touch the “least of these.” He urges us to move beyond personal, ideological, economic, and political isolation to encounter the lives and hopes of others, especially those who have been excluded. In this letter, Pope Francis asks us to extend “fraternity” from our own families to a suffering world and to expand “friendship” from the personal to the political and global. It is a call to conversion, to think and act anew, not to a political program or ideological agenda. In his words, the letter is a “modest contribution to continued reflection” on “a new vision of fraternity and social friendship that will not remain at the level of words.”
Pope Francis is the world’s pastor who stood alone in St. Peter’s Square in March 2020 and told us to keep the faith and not lose hope in a global pandemic. In this powerful letter, he now challenges us to respond with love, fraternity, and friendship in a divided and hurting world.
Below are two short videos to help you explore this new letter to the world.